Monday, August 23, 2010

A week ago Adam and I went to the doctor and confirmed that we're expecting (he had to come with me for moral support as needles and blood were involved) uggh! We are very excited to start this new adventure. I was fully expecting to leave the doctor's office with a fabulous photo to post, but alas, we must wait until week 18 or so for that coveted ultrasound. I'm at 9 weeks right now and the baby is due March 29th. The only symptom I really feel is tiredness, but that could be the extreme boredom of the last days of summer:) I am ready for school to start and to get back to a routine. I went into my classroom today to start getting it into shape and felt enthousiastic about a new school year...weird!


  1. Oh my gosh!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy and excited for you Corrin darling! Get lots of rest. I am so glad that you aren't having morning sickness. I definitely understand the needles and blood part - the only way I made it through my blood testing was to look at a picture on the wall and say to myself over and over again "Just think about the baby" "Just think about the baby." Good luck with your new school year and baby and just everything! Love you!

  2. Hey Bennions! Fun to see your blog! We are sad we still haven't hung out with you guys! Let us know when you are in Salt Lake again! Congrats on the baby!

  3. OH and give us your email and we will add you guys to our blog list!

  4. Ahhhhhh!!! Congratulations! I am so excited for you!

  5. WHAT?! Awesome and congratulations! Adam, you've dropped the ball again on telling me stuff.
